
Offering advanced End-of-Line verification software and consultancy, featuring our in-house EOL Tester for comprehensive ECU testing solutions.

End-of-Line Verification Software

If you require consultancy in End-of-Line testing for your ECUs, please contact us. We offer a team of professional engineers who can assist you in designing:

    In-Circuit Tests Functional Tests Environmental Tests
Additionally, you can leverage our proprietary in-house EOL Tester software to efficiently drive and manage your ECU EOL tests.
  • Tests Developed in C#: All tests are written in C# to ensure robustness and maintainability.
  • Extensible Helper Libraries: We offer helper libraries for interfacing with various hardware components, such as relay cards and ADC/DAC converters.
  • Comprehensive Test Framework: Our framework facilitates efficient test grouping, handling, and reporting.
  • HTML5 Test Reports: Generate detailed test reports in HTML5 format for easy viewing and sharing.
  • Supported Interfaces: IXXAT and Vector.